theREDdragon Cafe

Posted on May 24, 2013

If there is no “box”, then where would we that think “outside” it be?

I live on a street called “Normal”; and from what I can tell after 13years, it really is pretty much just that. Which may be why anyone who has ever known me for more than about 3minutes may very well chuckle at the irony of my address.

In all the years I recall searching… searching for something; something to make me feel, make me feel purpose and meaning (BTW: knowing and feeling it are two very different experiences as far as i can tell), I have never felt so clear that the search is about finding wholeness, internal and externally. In other words UNITY.

theREDdragon Cafe is the start of bringing together the drinks and snacks that have been for me most fondly associated with my story so far. Our customers will have the chance to experience the warmth and hug in a cup that is a true chai, the decadent & arousing sip of our specialty hot-chocolates, a simple solid kick in the ass from our favorite cup of locally roasted coffee; or let me brew you a cup of what I hope you will consider to be the cup of tea turns our place into your place.


Keep your eye here or there:

What Others Are Saying

  1. Roshan May 25, 2013 at 1:24 am

    Krista – I can’t wait! I’ll bring my rampant lion.

    • admin May 25, 2013 at 4:38 am

      Roshan; We will drink tea and sing Celtic drinking songs from the old country! (although maybe not so much of the actual singing part lol)