I was NOT cut out for THIS!

Posted on November 8, 2012

Waking up one day with the realization that I am a fucking genius who doesn’t know how to tie her own shoelaces; it occurred to me that perhaps I was not cut out for this thing called life.

Cunning plans to take over the world, yes! Grandiose schemes of transforming dull copper into gold, yes! BUT, getting my kids to school on time with teeth brushed, hair brushed, shoes and coats on, haven eaten a “healthy” breakfast… uh yeah, not so much!

In a truly self-deprecating style so intrinsic to my overcompensating British background; I enjoy a good laugh at my own flaws and downfall. I mean, really; what can be more refreshing and relieving than a good stomach-hardy-laugh at yourself?

SO, from time to time I will be looking at practical tools to help with the more mundane day-to-day routine; which in turn should help get you back into the mindset of theWOWfactor that much sooner than without such tools. You know, like the Filofax was supposed to do in the ’80s… just saying ha ha.

One of my favorite uses of my iPhone is the Reminder thingy. However, basically all that happens is the little alarm goes off and I hit the “OK” or even sometimes “remind me again inĀ  10 minutes”… then forget all about it again!

I am pretty sure if the reminder came with an electric shock component that zapped me till I actually DID the thing I’m reminding myself to do; I would still find the loophole, or should I say “wormhole” to forgetfulness.

Remedy: Do it RIGHT AWAY! The minute you think about it, DO IT. Don’t even wait 10 minutes… seriously, a lot can happen in 10 minutes. The best part of this tactic is that not only do you have one less thing to do; you also have one less thing to THINK about.

I happen to think that, more than time even, my brain “space” is very precious and easily clogged up with itty-bitty bullshit that really doesn’t need more than a second thought ever spent on it. JUST DO IT, be in and out and ON WITH YOUR LIFE!

Either that, OR forget about it till it has sat in a pile long enough that by the time you even notice it again it is completely irrelevant, redundant or so past-due that it has turned into a much bigger item on your “toDO” list!

Oh yes, I’m pretty sure there’s an Aesop’s Fable or/and an ancient Chinese proverb that says all this in a a much more poetic and metaphorical way. I just like putting it in my own words… maybe then I might actually internalize it.

With or without the moral to the story, I was SO NOT cut out for THIS!

What Others Are Saying

  1. Cymbelina Smith November 8, 2012 at 6:02 am

    Reading this just made my day!